A Dog's Life with Anna Webb joined by Andrew Hale

This week we’re joined by Andrew Hale. As a certified dog behaviourist, one of the founders of the UK Dog Charter and much more, he runs his practice in south Devon called Dog Certified Care.


We chat about how his human psychology degree and work in practice for people inspired helping owners and their dogs. Without ‘humanisation’ Andrew talks about why we must factor the emotional experience into training and behaviour, indeed life itself.


With so much science highlighting emotional intelligence in all animals, especially dogs, Andrew’s view is about ensuring dogs are kept safe but allowed free expression. And seeing learning as an interaction, building a relationship rather than exclusively  on operant conditioning. 


It goes without saying we discuss why lifestyle, experience, accommodation must be factored into the choice of dog. How stress causes disease, and why humans can be emotional contagions.


We chat about a natural remedy helping balancing the modern life stressors with calmer dogs, calmer people and a more harmonious relationship.


Tune into the episode here