Anna's Blog

  • Can communication can get lost in translation between you and your dog?

    When communication can get lost in translation between you and your dog. Why its so important to learn how to speak dog, understand their way of communication with body postures, eye contact, head turns , ear carriage, yawning at you - what does it all mean? Taking time to work out what dogs are saying to us in their native dog language can help owners empathise with their dog in a host of different contexts. Working as a team, we have a duty of care  to ensure dogs are not stressed or feeling uncomfortable in any situation that is within your control. 

  • When I believe it’s completely possible for your dog to sniff out if you’re having an affair!

    Could your dog sniff out of you're having an affair? Whilst dogs don't have a concept of cheating as such, differences in their behaviour could give your game away! We cannot imagine how dogs perceive the world through their noses. They have 300 million scent receptors, we only have six million. In addition, dogs can read us like a book when odour combines with subtle facial expressions and body postures  that might trigger extra sniffing from your dog, or giving you the cold shoulder , or displaying calming signals down to feeling a bit confused. 

  • Why 'Walking your own dog' is the best New Year resolution

    Through January, it’s ‘Walk Your Dog Month’, an initiative to highlight the health benefits to both dogs and their owners. Apart from a chance to get outdoors, a commitment to walk your dog builds routine, responsibility and the chance to train and have fun with your dog. With 54% of owners engaging a dog walker at least three times a week, many of us are missing out on what’s free canine therapy! Let’s ‘paws’ for thought this New Year.

  • Three Pillars of Health : optimise a healthy start to 2025

    In my practice offering wellness advice to ‘pet parents’, my focus is to highlight the three pillars of health, how they interrelate, and why an integrative approach boosts natural health. In my study with The College of Integrated Veterinary Therapies (CIVT) I took on board the positive symbiosis between the three pillars of health: the immune system, the physical frame and the nutrition pillar. The principle of holistic healthcare relies on keeping each pillar strong so they support your pet’s health. It’s the positive symbiotic relationship between them that’s critical.


  • Here’s to a safe and cost conscious Christmas!

    This Christmas gift your dog wisely, even make your own presents, save money and gift to your animal rescue of choice. Be aware of common Christmas hazards like chocolate and raisins. Emergency vet visits double in December and can cost around £3,000.00! Think about no waste , including your turkey carcass that can be transformed into a bone broth with huge healing benefits to get you and your dog's New Year off to a very healthy start!
  • Paleo Ridge’s pooch-perfect promotion on Black Friday!

    ‘Black’ days are often associated with depression, or impending doom, yet the term Black Friday refers to ‘being in the black’ rather than ‘being in the red’. In accountancy terms red ink would show negative amounts, whilst black ink showed positive amounts! At Paleo Ridge it’s an opportunity for both new and existing customers to scoop some substantial discounts!  If you’re new to feeding your dog on a raw balanced and complete diet, this is a chance to enjoy more for less, whilst seasoned ‘real food’ advocates can also save and stock up the freezer. To make purchasing simple, the award-winning team at Paleo Ridge is offering nine nutritious hampers which cater for every taste, life-stage and budget. 




  • The Endocrine system is inextricably linked to nutrition


    We know that ‘You are what you eat’, exemplified by the endocrine system being responsible for regulating appetite, nutrient absorption, nutrient storage and usage. The primary function of the endocrine system is to maintain glucose homeostasis, which is key to health as every cell in our body uses glucose to make ATP – the energy currency of all cells. Science concurs that ‘inadequate’ nutrition can disrupt the normal development and function of the endocrine organs. This involves dangerous modulations or fluctuations in the production and secretion of essential hormones.

  • Pumpkin an all year round superfood?

    It’s the time of year when Pumpkins as a symbol of Halloween are abundant. Could adding pumpkin to your dog’s diet be beneficial?Pumpkin can be regarded a s super food as its packed with nutrients that are good for them. Pumpkin has many health benefits for your dog, including high fibre content that supports their digestive system. That’s not all! It’s a great source of Vitamins A, E and C which are important for the immune system, brain function, eyes, skin  and coat health. Like other orange vegetables, pumpkin contains a lot of beta-carotene, which is a precursor for vitamin A . Once it converts to vitamin A in the body, it helps improve vision as well as boosting overall immunity and skin and coat health. 

  • Black Cats a symbol of the occult, or of good fortune?

    On International Black Cat Day apart from celebrating the companionship these black beauties of the feline world, it’s an opportunity to reflect on their history steeped in legend, myth and witchcraft, becoming a symbol of Halloween. Given the belief in medieval Europe that the devil and witches were capable of taking the form of black cats, it makes sense that the superstition surrounding crossing their paths developed. Their resemblance to the cat-goddess Bastet led them to be honoured in ancient Egypt.  In other countries, such as Scotland and Japan, they have been known to represent prosperity. In Scandinavia when a black cat crosses your path it’s deemed to be assign of good fortune.


  • The Pet Abduction Act - biggest news since The Animal Welfare Act was introduced in 2006

    The Pet Abduction Act 2024 is arguably the biggest step forwards in animal welfare since the Animal Welfare Act was introduced in 2006!  The new law whilst brilliant news has been campaigned for years, and falling on deaf ears for decades, so it’s testament to the hard work of the Pet Theft Taskforce for not giving up! The new law recognises that cats and dogs are not inanimate objects, but sentient beings capable of experiencing distress and other emotional trauma when they are stolen from their owners or keepers.
  • Could the age-old remedy called Bone Broth enhance Britain’s dogs’ health

    The first ever Biome Broth research project is proving that dogs who have never taken Bone Broth before reveal a remarkable improvement to their gut's bacteria in four weeks. The levels of good bacteria including Bifido bacteria rise, the bad bacteria like Helio bacteria fall and the diversity of the microbial species increases! The project wants to raise more funds to channel into further research into why Bone Broth makes this positive difference, impacting on the better health of dogs, simply, naturally and cost effectively!
  • Could Collagen be critical to your dog's wellbeing?

    Collagen is a structural protein that depletes with age. Supplementing our bodies whether we're a human or a dog as we age can be critical overall health and wellness. As a structural protein it works like scaffolding! Collagen not only supports our joint health, promotes the elasticity of the skin. It adds strength to our gut lining, supporting a healthy immune system. Collagen is plentiful in Bone Broth , Gelatine and Hydrolysed peptide collagen.