When I believe it’s completely possible for your dog to sniff out if you’re having an affair!


 While our four-legged friends cannot mentally grasp the concept of cheating, their sense of smell is a “superpower” that allows them to detect where you have been, who with and even what you had been up to.


We have no concept of how dogs perceive the world through their sensory super power – sense of smell. I believe we can never lie to our dogs!


Physiologically a dog’s olfactory system is completely different from outs – their noses are cold and wet ours are definitely not! 


Additionally, dogs have 300 scent receptors in their noses, we have a mere six million! Added to this, dogs internalise and remember every scent they have ever smelt and is stored in the special’ Jacobsen’s organ situated in the roof of their mouths. This is chamber stores and processes scent that acts like a memory bank for dogs.



A recent study from the University of Belfast proved that dogs can recognise the scent of cortisol in their owner’s biochemistry. The researchers also discovered that when they smell this stress hormone the dogs became pessimistic.


Assuming stress might be a little higher in the lying as a cover up, a dog could give their owner the cold shoulder, by acting a bit differently, sniffing their trouser legs a bit longer or even avoiding them on their return, contributing to giving the game away!


Also may exhibit calming signals, like dramatic head turns averting an owners gaze, or yawning at you, which is a classic communication that a dog is feeling overwhelmed and stressed .

For people cheating long-term, dogs will also start to recognise their smell being consistent over time.

A survey by Illicit Encounters - the UK’s largest extramarital dating site - found that an astonishing three quarters of their dog-owning members are “terrified” of their pets giving the game away.

More shockingly, 17% admitted that their dog has led to their relationship ending after their partners became suspicious and investigated further.

But it’s not just odours that could give disloyal partners away! Dogs read our body language in minute detail and detect if changes in our moods through their owner’s facial expressions and postures.

Bearing all of this in mind, I honestly believe there is no reason why they would not be able to sense when you’ve been hanging out with someone new.

Dogs pick up so much and that is thanks to the really deep connection and bond between humans and their dogs.