Cat Behaviour, Nutrition and Wellness in London
Does your cat moult excessively and have a lacklustre coat? Or suffer from fur balls and sickness? What about her stools, are they firm or sloppy? What about her energy levels - lethargic or over hyper?
By switching from an overly processed diet to one that’s fresh and species appropriate – designed for an obligate carnivore can, not just put a spring in their step, but help with a raft of heath conditions, simply by boosting their immune system.
Switching your carnivorous feline to a species appropriate diet comprising a lot of fresh meat can be more difficult than with a dog. Cats are not scavengers, like dogs, they won’t eat anything!
Cats become addicted to whatever they’ve been eating in their first six months. Some are easier to switch as every cat is an individual with individual personalities, health issues or age-related concerns.

I can guide you to tap their innate prey drive and using fresh food treats as part of their daily enrichment routine. Thinking of smart ways of fulfilling their joy to hunt to kill and eat fresh prey. That’s what their new diet will offer them!
At first it could just work by reducing their processed diet gradually with toppers that are fresh and species appropriate.
In my nutrition and wellness package I can suggest diets and treats that match their instinctual hunting genes, and fuel their microbiomes for healthier cats, whether is a raw balanced and complete option, or lightly cooked.
With more choice for cats now available, I can help you navigate brands for ‘fresh’ foods, particularly if you’re switching from an ultra-processed kibble diet.
As ‘obligate carnivores’ every cat’s digestion is designed to absorb moisture from their food. Over 70 per cent of cats suffer from renal failure from too much pressure on their kidney function overtime by eating dry food.

A quick look at your cat’s environment, highlighting some wellness tips for enrichment and avoiding any stressors like flame retardant chemicals, scented candles, and household cleaners. Its scary but indoor environments are considered 3.5 times more toxic than outdoors!
With a naturopathic approach working positively in tune with your cat’s instincts and individual personality, reduce your cat’s chemical burden, change behaviours, increase wellness - even purrfect some tricks!
Why not get the best out of your cat?
Let Medicine be Your Food!
In my study with the College of Integrated Veterinary Therapies I qualified as a natural canine and feline nutritionist.
I have always believed that you are what you eat, and that diet optimises health and can prevent disease.
Hippocrates famously said: “Let medicine be thy food, and food be thy medicine”.
Feeding your dog (and cat) as nature intended can alleviate conditions like itchy paws, allergic reactions and skin conditions, sensitive tummies, even stiffness and arthritis.
A natural functional species-appropriate diet brings lustre and vibrance back into your dog’s skin and coat, bright eyes and zeal for life. Switching to a species-appropriate diet that’s not packed with starch and sugars will help behaviourally too.
If you would like to arrange an initial Behaviour, Nutrition or Wellness consultation please contact me . All consultations are one-on-one (or one-on-family) and can take place on Zoom or FaceTime or over the phone. To book a Zoom or FaceTime consultation, please click here.
Book a Consultation:
I offer one to one sessions and can provide an initial consultation on FaceTime or Zoom. Please get in touch
To book a Zoom or FaceTime consultation, please click here. Join me, Anna Webb, to help ensure a happy, healthy relationship between you and your dog or your cat.

To book a consultation with me, please click the image above