A Dog's Life with Anna Webb joined by Esther Logue at Paleoridge
This week Anna is joined by Esther Logue from Paleoridge. As the leading raw food firms’ Content & Communications’ Manager, we chat about the success of this year’s Crufts, and how the company brought feeding raw to life at the biggest dog show in the world.
We talk about why Crufts is such an educational platform and so needed in an age where dog ownership has boomed almost making it unrecognisable compared to back in circa 2002.
Featuring a meat grinder and ’diner’ on their stand the team offered tastings on their stand, along with expert nutrition talks to an audience eager to learn more. Their dogs meanwhile had a great time too enjoying free samples of Paleoridge’s new meaty treats.
We also talk in detail about studying Naturopathic Nutrition and why it literally explains why and how: YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!
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