A Dog's Life with Anna Webb joined by Hannah Molloy

This week Anna is joined by Trainer and Behaviour consultant, Hannah Molloy. With a BSc in Animal Behaviour, she has written “What’s Your Dog Thinking?’, starred on Channel 4’s Puppy School and most recently organised sessions at APDAWG on ‘Dog Bites’.


We discuss how Hannah decided make dogs her main focus rather than working with horses or cats. She started her career working in the Birmingham area and over seven years trained over 10,000 dogs in group sessions and one to ones.
We chat about why dog bite incidents are on the rise and whether it's directly related to the the pandemic, and the sudden surge in dog ownership, or whether it's a problem that’s been brewing for sometime.


 Her aim is to guide people towards dogs that suit our modern lifestyles, ones that can adapt to apartment living, bred for temperament and health. She champions that greater responsibility needs to be taken, and an awareness of our Duty of Care as defined in the Animal Welfare Act, and refined as the Five Domains.


We discuss over exaggerated features in breeds, which arguably has spear headed certain breeds huge popularity leading to dogs being sold online, which continues to boom, despite campaigning to stop puppy shopping on the internet.

Tune in here