A Dog's Life with Anna Webb joined by Niall Harbison
When we’re joined by Niall Harbison talking about his book, Hope, which is about how Thailand’s street dogs taught him the meaning of life! Originally from Tyrone, Niall moved to Thailand after selling his marketing and PR company.
Niall who was a self confessed alchoholic who in moving to Thailand became worse, ending up in in intensive care, and nearly died. His rescue dog fromIreland called Snoop was his inspiration to get out of hospital and clean up his act, channelling his energy and into helping hundreds of Thai street dogs.
He now lives in the countryside, where he spends his days feeding and looking after thousands of street dogs he comes across. We chat about individual dogs that have made their mark on Niall’s heart, and why even in the toughest moments, the dogs have given Niall hope to carry on. After all everybody deserves a second chance!
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