A Pet In Every Home - help make Jasmines Law become Legislation
When I had the pleasure to chat to Andrew Rosindell MP last October on my podcast A Dog’s Life, we discussed his landmark Ten Minute Rule Bill where he introduced ‘Jasmine’s Law’.
Dubbed Jasmine’s Law after a Weimeraner in Surrey, it aims to ban discriminatory ‘no pet’ clauses and allow there to be ‘a pet in every home’.
Andrew is clearly a massive dog lover and passionate about all animal welfare. Having owned two Staffies, Spike and Buster, Andrew also believes breed specific legislation is also massively discriminatory, and that dogs shouldn't be judged on their appearance alone.
He understands that living with a pet brings so many health benefits, a gateway to the outdoors, companionship and a lifeline, especially through the pandemic.
I’ve experienced how devastating it is to face the eviction of your dog. Back in 2003 as the homeowner of a leasehold property, I was aware of its ‘no pet’ clause.
As my circumstances had suddenly changed, I had just moved back into this flat with my Miniature Bull Terrier, Molly, who was just nine months old.
It wasn’t possible to discuss Molly’s residency in a rational fashion with the freeholder and the situation looked really bleak.
When by chance I discovered that the Chairman of my ‘residents’ committee’ was the son of a leading light in the Miniature Bull Terrier world.
With his help, the freeholder belligerently agreed to let Molly stay, on the proviso I was to put my flat on the market and move at the earliest opportunity.
I ensured that Molly was never a nuisance, she accompanied me to work every day: an irony that my workspace allowed dogs, but my freeholder didn’t!
By the time my flat (in Hoxton) sold, Molly had made so many friends that people were really sad to see us go.
It made me realise how this discrimination was utterly ridiculous, unfair and cruel. Limiting responsible pet parents, like myself, from keeping my dog in a flat which I owned! Needless to say, in our next property, Molly’s name was added to the lease – just in case!
So, for me, the move by Government last week to amend its model tenancy agreement, making it clear that landlords will no longer be able to issue such blanket bans on pets brings much needed change and hope.
Instead, consent for pets will be the default position and landlords will have to object within 28 days of a written pet request from a tenant and provide a good reason.
But as I discussed with Gabby Kuehn, Founder of PAAW (Pets Are Always Welcome) House, on my podcast, the model tenancy agreement is only a set of guidelines.
Similarly owning a leasehold property, Gabby discussed her own traumatic experience facing the eviction of her dog, Vinnie from a leasehold property.
Gabby discussed how to bring Jasmine’s Law to become legislation, a great deal of campaigning still needs to be done.

Ideally every pet parent in the Britain should write to their MP and ask for change. Gabby and her team have helped make this very easy through the PAAW House website, so really there’s no excuse! Just click here
Additionally, PAAW House has launched a petition currently boasting 6,000 signatures to get the message heard loud and clear in parliament. Check it out here (Please sign and share)!
In an upcoming Zoom Webinar on February 26th, Andrew Rosindell will discuss the legislation he’s proposing, outlining the importance of owning a pet, especially during lockdown.
I’m delighted to be speaking at this event offering some insight on choosing the right dog, and how all dogs can be trained to become model tenants in rented accommodation, or in leaseholds. For more and how to register click here
To listen to Andrew Rosindell on A Dog’s Life here.