A raw organic egg is good for your dog!

This Easter please keep chocolate eggs and their packaging away from your dogs!


But instead why not treat your dog to a wholesome whole egg. Preferably organic and raw!


Back in 2014 when I was a pet expert on the ITV1’s The Titchmarsh Show, my first Miniature Bull terrier, Molly, proved to millions of primetime viewers that dogs really do enjoy eating a raw egg!


I always suggest using an organic egg that has eaten seeds, and been out in the sunshine, eating a species appropriate diet that might contain the odd earthworm.


It was in my study with the College of Integrative Veterinary Studies to become a canine nutritionist where I learnt so much about the nutrients in a whole raw egg.


Eggs were used as an example to highlight how processing, even cooking, changes the molecular structure of ingredients. The egg is a great example.


Once an egg is boiled its consistency is completely different to a raw egg, not least in the structure of its shell. Once boiled the shell becomes hard as does the egg itself.


But in a raw egg the shell benefits from its thin membrane that once squashed up and mixed with the raw yolk and white of the egg its extremely beneficial to your dog.


Eggshell membranes are packed with glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin and collagen, which makes it very beneficial to older dogs suffering from arthritic symptoms.


The whole egg cracked, beaten up with the shell and membrane added also offer a perfect balance of calcium and phosphorus which your dog needs to grow and maintain healthy bones and teeth.


But egg yolks and the egg white provide dogs’ with a highly bio-available animal source of protein, and contains all the amino acids that dogs need to thrive.


Not only that but a strong source of essential Omega-3 fatty acids; alpha-linolenic (ALA), plus two other omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA).



Additionally, eggs are packed with minerals and vitamins like Riboflavin or Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, magnesium, iron and Phosphorous.


Also, eggshells can also be valuable for dogs who have difficulty eating bones. Just dry your eggshells out then grind them in a clean coffee grinder until they’re powdered. You can then sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of powder on your dog’s next meal to boost the calcium. 


In the wild dogs and wolves would forage for and find eggs fallen from nests. It’s a simple ingredient that’s cost effective and packed with natural nutrition.


Your dog will love you for this Easter!