StreetVet Accredited Hostel Scheme
In episode 32 Jade Statt , vet and co-founder of Streetvet , joined me to chat about the Charity’s landmark new and first pet friendly hostel accreditation scheme.
Jade explains why the StreetVet Accredited Hostel Scheme – which will roll out nationwide - will enable hostels to accept multiple residents with their pets by offering free, accessible veterinary care, as well as support for hostel managers and staff to adopt and implement positive pet policies. Currently many people face the impossible choice between a roof over their heads or giving up their beloved pet.
In the UK, one in ten people experiencing homelessness has a pet (around 32,000 people) and, whilst some hostels accept pets, the vast majority do not. Those that do accept pets may also only accept one pet for the entire property.
The accreditation scheme ensures that hostels are well-equipped to proactively support pet-owning residents, including: having a variety of health, hygiene and safety policies in place; e-training hostel team members to support the policies and the people and pets they are accommodating, and providing pet owners with access to vet care including telemedicine, free provision of pet essentials, transport to vet practices when needed and emergency kennelling should the pet owner be taken ill.
The charity was able to launch the scheme after winning funding from Purina’s BetterwithPets prize – the accreditation scheme was chosen as the winner from entries across Europe.
Jade explains:: “Under current regulations, if people turn down housing due to “no pets” clauses, they are told they are making themselves “intentionally homeless” and are refused further housing assistance. Any pet lover will understand that choosing between a roof over your head and the company of your beloved pet is no choice at all. Currently, one of the many complex reasons that people remain homeless is because there are not enough hostels that can safely accommodate them and their pet. Our hope is that in setting up the StreetVet Accredited Hostel Scheme, fewer people will have to make this impossible choice.
Access to pet-friendly hostels is their first step towards independent housing. With homelessness on the rise due to the economic impact of COVID-19, it was important to us to launch this scheme before Christmas, as winter sets in.
This scheme mirrors the proposed new legislation Jasmine’s Law by Andrew Rosindell MP to end Landlords and social housing blanket ‘no pet’ clauses.
Championed by social hub PAAW House’s campaign to end pet discrimination, which flies in the face of Government’s ‘model tenancy agreement’, no pet clauses are discriminatory and cause tragic heart break when people are forced to give up their pet.
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