Anna's Blog
A DOG'S LIFE with Anna Webb. Toby Rose founder of the FIDOs talks about this year's canine film awards
Cinema journalist, and founder of the Palm Dog, Toby Rose joins Anna to talk about the up coming For Incredible Dogs Onscreen (FIDO) Awards 2021, recognising the vital role of canines in films, before the Palm Dog awards to be staged in July at the Cannes Film Festival. With awards categories including: Mutt Moment, Blockbuster Bowser, Comedy Canine, Rom Com Rover, Historical Hound and best Dog Dox, the FIDOs highlights the steadfast role dogs have played in our lives through lockdowns and the pandemic, not least on the big (or small) screen. In line with covid social restrictions, the FIDOs will run as a pop up in London’s groovy Coal Drops Yard, behind King’s Cross, between 21-24 May with the awards ceremony on Sunday 23rd May. All the stunning prizes are designed and made in London by Creature Clothes.
To listen, click here
A Pet In Every Home - help make Jasmines Law become Legislation
Since Andrew Rosindell's landmark Ten Minute Rule Bill dubbed Jasmine's Law last October, Government has amended its model tenancy agreement so that consent for pets in rented accommodation will be the default position. However for this to become law, pet owners across Britain need to up the ante! By writing to their MP's, signing a petition to 'Ban Blanket No Pet Clauses' so voices are heard in parliament. And attend a Zoom event hosted by Andrew Rosindell MP discussing the legislation he's proposing. -
A DOG'S LIFE with Anna Webb. Danish Vet Lise Hansen about neutering, when a bomb hit the Vet profession
Anna caught up with Danish Alternative Vet Lise Hanson when Lockdown was eased to discuss the big question: To Neuter or Not To Neuter? Recent scientific studies suggest that it should be the latter and in Norway it is illegal to spay or neuter. Similarly in Sweden the majority do not spay….could we take inspiration and lessons from Scandinavia?
To listen to the podcast, click here
When Steve Pitron introduced two very different dogs - Suzy and Simba
A rare interview with Island Records' Steve Pitron about his journey to becoming a pet parent. He rescued One Eyed Suzy from Thailand and against the odds successfully integrated Simba his Shiba Inu and Suzy the hardened street dog into living happily together in London. How he took inspiration from BBC Radio London's Barking Hour and was prepared for the commitment that pet parenthood really is.